🔷BACK-TO-SCHOOL – What it costs

“Value Moves to the Top of the Class” (Deloitte 2024 Survey)

Hard to believe that school – and autumn – are here already! Summer is nearly gone, and families are gearing up for this new season. The back-to-school season is usually the second highest spending occasion for parents. A 2024 Deloitte Back-to-School Survey shows parents plan to spend $586 per child on back-to-school items this season. Spending on clothing and school supplies is about the same, but what parents are willing to spend on technology items is down this year (11%). If budgets become too tight and costs must be cut, parents will cut back on school supplies (40%) and clothing (28%). Link to the complete survey: https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/retail-distribution/back-to-school-survey.

🔷Safe Yakima’s Crimestoppers program, launched in Yakima in 1988, partners with law enforcement to help prevent crimes from occurring. Tips are received via three secure, anonymous platforms. This all-volunteer group is responsible for 1,400 arrests and over $155,000 in rewards paid out. Learn more at http://www.crimestoppersyakco.org/

đź”·People for People’s Employment & Training division offers programs designed to meet the needs of adults, youth, dislocated or laid off workers, diversion program for repeat offenders to learn skills, basic food, employment and pre-employment transition services. Find out more at https://pfp.org/

đź”·The College Bound Scholarship Program is designed for 7th, 8th & 9th grade students to apply for scholarships toward some college costs. Scholarships are good at colleges, trade schools and technical institutions. Eligible students are automatically enrolled. Learn more at https://theycabc.org/programs/

đź”·People for People’s Transportation division provides medical transportation assistance to nine counties in Central Washington. Their call center averages 300 calls per week. Go to https://pfp.org/