Keep More of What You Earn
The Earned Income Tax Credit (or EITC) is a credit for people who do not earn high incomes. EITC can reduce your taxes and result in a refund. In simple terms, workers keep more of what they earn.
The YCABC promotes the EITC because:
• It reduces the number of families living in poverty.
• The EITC is responsible for lifting more children out of poverty than any other federal program.
• Promotes work. EITC makes work more attractive than Welfare programs and helps many families make the transition from public assistance into the labor force.
• Helps low-income families build assets. The potential for significant cash payments to be received in tax credits provides a strategic link to introduce various asset building opportunities.
For the last several years, AARP has partnered with YCABC to provide free tax preparation sites in several locations throughout Yakima County, Ellensburg, and Goldendale. AARP Tax-Aide volunteers are IRS certified as tax preparers and can do manual reports as well as e-Filing, depending on what the tax payer needs.
During tax season, sign up for an appointment by calling 2-1-1.